Friday, August 21, 2015

How Facebook Smeared the Face of Beauty - Step-By-Step

When I go about my day and notice something noteworthy, I think, "That's beautiful, I should post a photo of it on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc." Here's my thought process.

Yes. I should post a photo, so people will know that I saw something beautiful.

They will wonder where I am and be happy for me.

They will 'Like' my post to show me that they liked it.

I will see the 'Like' and know that what I saw was indeed worth liking.

I will wait a bit of time and check to see if others also agree that this something was in fact worthy of being called beautiful and brought to the attention of the social media world.

If there are not enough 'Likes' then I may feel that I have made an error and there are three possible explanations that run through my head:
  1. What I saw was not actually that beautiful.
  2. I failed to capture the beauty of what I saw.
  3. My friends don't share my appreciation for the beauty in what I saw.
My response could be as such -
  1. Why do my opinions differ so much from that of my friends?
  2. Why do people like my photos less than others?
  3. Do I really not take good photographs?
  4. People suck. I hate everybody.
  5. Whatever. La di f*cking da. I got better sh*t to do than hang out of Facebook/Twitter/Instagram all day. :-P
And then I blog about it.... sigh.

My concept of beauty hadn't changed, but had now been placed in a different context.

I am challenging my own conceptions daily, but sometimes I question them due to social pressures. Maybe this is entirely normal but... I for one would love to see the world as beautiful in as many ways as possible. Does this mean total disconnection from the social media world? Possibly. That would make it a bit easier, but it doesn't get rid of the problem. My conceptions are valid. Period. Beauty may be fickle but I'd like to think that I'm a bit less so. lol I shouldn't be looking to others for something that I should be telling myself.

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