Thursday, September 3, 2015

LGBT: What It's Like: Part II

(Continued from earlier blog post - LGBT: What It's Like - Part I)

On our journey, my so-called 'Pink Posse' and I will see the reality of the situation here in Albania. There have not been any riots or protests against LGBT people, there are no major political hardliners using religion to gain favor at the expense of LGBT people, and I personally have not experienced any hate directly regarding LGBT people. Things seem calm. But are they? What will happen when one starts churning the waters? Will the Albanians that we encounter suddenly realize that LGBT people are not just in America but all around them? Teaching their children? Hanging out together in school? Sitting next door? Across the bar? Working at the café? Even looking across the room from them every day as a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or even parent?! What will happen then? Maybe nothing.

Maybe the abolishment of religion in Albania in 1967 laid the foundation for a society that has no reason to really hate gay people. In America, some fanatics use religion as a means to deny the rights of their fellow citizens. This vocal minority are not just expressing their religion, they are voting bigots into power, further promoting a system of hate that in turn makes the lives of many LGBT people a living hell. I commend those who use religion to find peace and love in the world. I like to believe that this is the majority of people, but... it is hard to tell sometimes. I’d hate to think that the abolishment of religion altogether is the solution to creating a more accepting society! That would be a sad day for humanity indeed. I’d like to think that people are capable of having disagreement and yet still showing love for each other. It’s almost a metaphor for a family gathering during the holidays. Isn’t there room for all opinions at the dinner table?

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