Wednesday, October 8, 2014

That's the Pope! --> VIDEO LINK

Probably the closest I will ever be to any Pope.
Sisters of Charity (Mother Teresa's order)

TIRANA, ALBANIA - September 21, 2014 saw a rare glimpse of Pope Francis in the heart of Albania, at Mother Teresa Square. The first time His Holiness has visited Albania since 1993. Thousands showed up from across Albania, Italy and Kosovo. Although I am not the most religious person in the world, this was the Pope! How often do you get this chance, right?

We (my buddy Jefferson and I) initially had no idea if we could even see the Pope. We were going to sit on the sidelines with all the other folks, craning our necks, and wishing for the best, and reaching our iPhones out hoping to get at least one clear photo. Well, what we got was more than we expected.

His sign says it all!
Some other Peace Corps friends of mine had made some friends with some German nuns, and through meetings these kind women, we were invited to join their congregation at the ceremony! How cool, right? We were not sure exactly what that meant, but this is the Peace Corps, and you learn to go with it. lol...

Okay, so waking up at the crack of dawn and trekking down to the plaza, we passed security, joined the sisters. There was already a large crowd and even though we were close to the front, we couldn't really see anything... We decided to trek back a bit and wait on the sidelines of the main road, where the Popemobile would be going. After getting a nice spot right on the road, we were told to move back by the local police officials, who were trying to sort out all the people craziness. Although we lost our great spots, we were ushered through shortly thereafter - why, I don't know... lol... Down the main drag we went, to join the church and invited guests near the front! So there we are walking down the road, escorted by police, and not having any idea what we were in for. We were so excited. HERE'S A VIDEO I MADE OF WHAT HAPPENED NEXT. Enjoy!

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